Sunday, February 27, 2011

An Overview of the Book of Esther

Set in the days of Ahasuerus (Xerxces) who ruled the Empire of Persia which consisted of 127 provinces from India to Ethiopia between 485 and 464 B.C. The capital was Susa (located in the lower Zagros Mountains about 250 km (150 miles) east of the Tigris River, between the Karkheh and Dez Rivers).
Ancient Persia
In the third year of his reign, he puts on a feast for all officials, servants, nobles and princes of Persia and Media. Lasting 180 days, the intention was to show off the riches of his kingdom. Afterwards a feast of 7 days was given for all, both great and small, who were in Susa. There was an abundance of food and wine and each man did what pleased him. For the women the Queen, Vashti, also made a feast.
On the 7th day, Ahaseurus commands to eunichs to bring Vashti "to show her off.", for she was fair to look upon.She refuses and for this she is put away.
Then a decree is sent throughout all of the provinces throughout the Kingdom (a sort of 'beauty pageant') to choose a replacement for Vashti. All of the beautiful young virgins are to come to Susa (read 2:5-10)and complete a 12 month period of preparation - 6 months of oil and myrrh then another 6 of perfumes and ointments. Afterwards each maiden in her turn would go in the evening to see the king and return to their quarters in the morning.
Esther's, daughter of Abihail uncle of Mordicai, turn came in the 10th month (Tebeth) of the 7th year of the reign of Ahasuerus. He loved more than all of the others and she was proclaimed Queen. A feast in her honour was proclaimed.
Meanwhile, Mordicai uncovers a plot to assasinate the King. He tells Esther who tells the King and the conspirators are hung in the gallows.
(read 3:1-9) Haman is appointed above all of the princes of Persia. Though all bowed down and reverence Haman, Mordicai refused to do so. Great mourning was with Mordicai, Esther and all of their brethren the Jews. There was fasting, weeping, wailing and many lay in sackcloth and ashes.
(read 4:10-17) Esther finds favour as she stands in the inner court of the Palace and is adorned in her Royal Robes. She is requesting the presence of King Ahaseurus and Haman.
(read 5:6-14) That night the King could not sleep and reads the Chronicles. In them he notices that Mordecai had not yet recieved the honour due him for uncovering the conspiracy against the King. Haman was in the outer court waiting to suggest that Mordecai be hanged on the charges of treason. Ahaseurus behoves Haman to enter the inner court.
(read 6:6-11) Esther prepares a banquet for both the King and Haman. The King asks Haman as to how to Mordicai.
(read ch 7, 8:17, 9:20-32, 10:3) Esther reveals the plot against her people. Haman, his 10 sons and all of those who conspired against the Jews were executed. Mordecai is given the office of Haman. On the 15th day of the 12th month Adar, has been proclaimed a day of gladness and feasting in gratitude for God's deliverance from their enemies. The day is called Purim.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All that is related to TREES

Tree(s): 6086/97 `ets', `etsah' (fem) ``a tree (from its firmness) hence wood / sticks.
A/T/A: carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stick(s) (14), stock, timber (23), wood
               815 (1 Sam 22:6, 31:13 I/L = the tamarisk) `eschel` ``a tamarisk tree; by ext a 'grove' (Gen 21:33 I/L = 'tamerisk tree') of any kind.
tamarisk tree

               363 (6) 'iylan' -- Chald.
               352 (Is 61:3, Ezek 31:14) 'ayil' masc. of 424 + oak (Is 1:29) [psg mentioned are the only ones translated as "TREES" or OAKS in KJV; refers to a 'mighty tree -- usually a 'terebinth]; I/L translates Is psg as oak(s); Ezek psg (2nd 'tree' in vs) as 'to them'
Timber: 636 'a'(3)  Chald. -- corresponds to 6086 + Wood (Dan 5:4,23)

Grove(s): 842 (39) 'asherah' 'asheyrah' also astarte a Phoenician goddess or an image of the same.
Oak(s):     424 (11) 'elah' fem. of 352;  A/T/A elm (Hos 4:13), teil tree (Is 6:13)
                  427 (Jos 24:26) 'allah'
                  437 (8)'allown' from 436 'elown -- transl as 'Plain' (8):
definition of all 3: a strong or great tree .
Oak tree

Forest, Wood and Orchard

Bridgewater Forest
Forest(s): 3293/5 'ya`ar /ya`rah' :To thicken with verdure; a copse of bushes. I.E. forest, honey in the comb as hived in the trees -- + wood, honeycomb (I Sam 14:27 with 1706 'debash, Ca 5:1)
2793 (2 Chr 27:4) see Wood
6508 ( see Orchard)
Galatin National Forest

Orchard (s): 6508 'pardec': a park (Ca 4:13 , Eccl 2:5) -- +Forests (Neh 2:8)
Wood(s): 3293 (16) see Forest
                 3264 ( Ezek 34:25) 'ya'owr': a forest
                 2793 (4) 'choresh' : A forest as furnishing the material for fabric -- + forest, shroud (Ezek31:3), bough (Is 17:9)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Birds of a Feather spread your Wings and Fly: an OT word study of our Feathered Friends

Bird(s', 's): 6833 (31) tsippowr or tsippor: Alittle bird as hopping - Fowl(s) (6)  +Chald 6853 tsephar Da 4:12, 14, 21   &  33 ); Sparrow (Ps 84:3 + 102:7
                   5775 (09) owph Fowl(s) (59) + Chald  5776), flying, that flieth
                   5861 (03) Fowl(s) (4)
                   1167,3671 (Pr 1:17) ba'al kanaph i.e "master extremity "Alternative translation: Master   of wing"
                   6853 (Da 4:33)
                  {Fowl 1257 - I Kngs 4:23}
                   Ca 2:12 (blank)
Feather(ed,s): 5133 (4)
                       3671 kanaph (2)
                       84 (2)
                       Da 4:33 (blank)
Wing(ed,s): 3671 "kanaph"
                   83 & 84 (2 each)
                   6731 (Jer 48:1)
                   1611 "gaph" (Dan 7:4 & 6 = 3)
Flieth, Flew,Fly(ing): 5774(5)
                                   6213 "da'ah" to dart i.e. to fly rapidly
                                   3671 (Ps 148:10)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Sabbath Box

Basic Command: Ex 20:8 - 11; Deut 5:12 - 15

Further Principles:
1) Is 58: 13 -14 Seek God's Will and pleasure not your own and you will find joy in the Lord.
2) Mrk 2: 27 - 28 The Sabbath is for man's benefit and Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath.

Link to Holy Days: Lev 23 , Num 28, 29
1) Called Holy - Ex 20:8, Neh 8:1 - 2, 9 - 10, Sacred Neh 8:11
2) "And that the Lord your God brought you out of Egypt" (note Egypt is symbolic of this world - see Rv 18:4.
Deut 5:15 - Weekly Sabbath / Ex 12:17, Deut 16: 1 - The Passover
Lv 23:41 - 43 - The Feast of Tabernacles