Showing posts with label Word Study. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Word Study. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2013

To Meditate, Muse or Complain

Meditat(e, tion):  1897, 190(0,1,2) -- 6/1/1/1 -- hagah, haguth, hagiyg, higgayown -- to murmur (in pleasure or anger); by implication to ponder. A/T/A: {1897 unless noted} imagine (Ps 2:1, 38:12), mourn, mutter-ed (Is 8:19, 59:3), roar, x sore, speak, study, talk, utter, musing (1) (Ps 39:3), (2):device (Lam 3:62), Higgaion (Ps 9:16), solemn sound (Ps 92:3 -- interlinear translated as 'melody). 

                              78(78,79, 81) -- 5/1/2 -- siyach, siyach, siychah -- to ponder or converse with oneself  aloud, to utter. A/T/A: babbling (9) (Pr 23:29), commune (8) (Ps 77:6), communication (9) (I Kng 9:11), complain (8) (Job 7:11, Ps 77:3), complaint (9) (9 vs) , declare (8), muse (8) (Ps 143:5), pray (8), prayer (9,1), speak(8, talk {with}(8,9).

Complain (ed, t, ts): 787(8, 9) see 'meditation'
                                    1058 -- bakah -- to weep / to bemoan. A/T/A: x at all, bewail, make lamentation, x more, mourn, x sore, x with tears, weep 
                                     596 -- 'anan -- to mourn 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

To SLEEP one must LIE down and REST

Asleep:                                         7290 (2) see Sleep
                                                      3463(2) (see sleep)
Sleep(er, est, eth, ing) {a,b,c,d}: 8639  'Tardemah' from 7290 A lethargy or (by impl. a trance) T/A:  deep sleep
                                                      7290 'radam' to stun (stupefy) with sleep or death T/A: be fast asleep (Jg 4:21, Jonah 1:5); be in a deep sleep (Dan 8:18, 10:9); cast into a dead sleep (Ps 76:6);
                                                      7901 (see Lie)
                                                      8139/42 'shenah / shena(h)' from 3462
                                                      3462/3 'yashen' to be slack or languid (implies sleep, grow old, stale or inveterate, to die. T/A old (store), remain long, (make to) sleep, asleep
                                                      1957 (Is 56:10) 'hazah To dream, sleep or rave

Slept:                                                   3462/3 (see sleep)
                                                             7901 (see Lie)
                                                             5123 (Ps 76:5)
Slumber(ings):                                    5123 / 4  'nuwm / numah to slumber / sleepinessT/A slept (Ps 76:5), slumber (5),  drowsiness (Prov 23:21)
                                                              8572 (5) 'tenuwmah'
Lie(st, eth):                                          7901 'shakah' to lie down (whatever the purpose) A/T/A: X at all, cast down, (over)lay (self down), (make to) lie (down) (to sleep,still, with), lodge (Jos 2:1), ravish, take rest (Job 11:18, 30:17), Sleep, Stay (Job 38:37)
Rest(ed, eth,ing,s):                             4494/6)'manowach /menuwchah'                                        
                                                             7673/7 'shabath / shabbaththown'
                                                             5117 'nuwach'
                                                             7901 (see Lie)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Fool(ish) Wallows in his Folly

Quote from James Oppenheim
Fool('s,s):               5528(29,30,31) 'cakal, cekel, cikluth, sikluth' to be silly, silliness. collectively dolts. Also translated as sottish (Jer 4:22)
                             5034(6) see Vile
Foolish(ly, ness):    5034(6,9) see Vile
                             2973 + (dote Jer 50:36) "ya'al" to be foolish in a wicked way.
Folly:                    5039 see Vile
                             5528(29, 30, 31) see Fool
Vile (Villany):        5034 (6,9) (6vs) 'nabel, nebel, nebalah' to fall away, fail, faint; (fig.) to be foolish, stupid, impious or morally wicked; to despise, disgrace. Also translated as disgrace, dishonor, lightly esteem, fade, come to nought, wither        
Wallow(ed):           6428 ( 3) + (Mic 1:10) as 'roll' "Palash" to roll in dust.                          

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Herons, Peacocks, Ostriches and Storks


Heron: 601 (Lev 11: 19, Deut 14:18 coupled with Stork) "'anaphah" an unclean bird perh. a parrot
Peacock(s): 8500 (1 Kng10:22, 2 Chr 9:21) "tukkiy"/"tuwkkiy" some imported creature. Translated as "Baboon" in the interlinear. Both vs also refer to "apes" {6971:gowph or goph - a monkey or ape. Therfore peacock makes more sense.
                   7443 (Job 39:13) "renen" an ostrich (from its wail)

Ostrich(es): 2624 (Job 39:13) see Stork
                  3283 (Lam 4:3) "ya'en" the ostrich (from its anwering cry)

Stork:         2624 (5 vs) "chaciyddah" the kind (maternal) bird.

Job 39:13: KJV = "Gavest thou goodly wings unto the peacocks or wings and feathers unto the ostrich?"
                 I/L  (NIV)  = "Wing of ostrich flaps joyfully not as stork's feathers"

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Forgiveness will Pacify and Appease the Soul

White Dove: A symbol of forgiveness and peace
Forgive(gavest, ness: 5375 "nasa / nacah {Great Variety of Applications}: to lift, to bear, to carry off
                                   5545 (6)
                                   3722 (Jer 18:23)
Forgave (st):               3722 (Ps 78:38)
                                    5375 (2)
Pacif(y, ied, ieth):        3711(Prov 21:14) "kaphah" to bend i.e. to tame or subdue
                                     3722 (Prov 16:14, Ezek 16:63) " kaphar"
                                     7918 (Es 7:10)
                                     3240 (Eccl 10:4)
Appease(d, th):            3722 (with 6440; Gen 32:20)
                                     8252 (Prov 15:18)
                                     7918 (Es 2:1)
Assuage (asswage(d)): 7918 (Gen 8:1)
                                      2820 (Job 16:5-6)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Flocks, Herds and their Occupants

Flock(s): 6629 "tso'n / ts'own" to migrate; a collecive name for a flock ; figuratively for men: + Sheep
                5739 "'eder"  an arrangement i.e. muster (of animals) + Herds (Prov 27:23, Joel 1:18), drove(s) (4){interlinear translated as "Herd."
                4735 (3) + Herds (Gen 47:18), see Cattle
Herd(s) : 1241 (44) see Ox(en)
                 5739 -- see Flock
                 4735 -- Gen 47:18; see Cattle
Sheep   :  6629 + Flock

 Cattle   : 929 + Beast
                 4735 (63) 'miqneh' acquired livestock A/T/A: Herds, Cattle
                 1165  + beast
Beast('s,s): 929
                   2416 (23)
                   1165 + cattle (Ps 78:48)
          Ox(en) :  1241(78) 'baqar' - an ox (either gender) used for ploughing; collectively a herd. A/T/A: beeves, bull(ock)(*), + calf(*), + cow, great (cattle), + heifer, herd, kine
19 verses along with 1121 (* - 2 each + 17 young) 'ben' - son of or a young ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

a BROOK, a STREAM and a RIVER can at times Flood

Brook(s): 5158 "nachal, nachlah, nachalah" A stream espec. a winter torrent; implies a narrow valley (where a brook runs); also a mine shaft: also transl. as : Flood (5), River('s, s), Stream(s)(11) and Valley (19)
                2975 (5) + streams (Is 33:21)
                4323 (2Sam 17:20)
Stream(s): 5158
                 650   + brooks (Ps 42:!)           
                 5140 'nazal' to drip or shed by trickling + distil (De 32:2), drop (Job 36:28), flood  (3)

River('s,s): 5103/4 "nehar / nahar" Chald/Heb: a river or stream incl the sea {Nile, Euphrates etc} + Stream(s), Flood
                 2975 + brook(s) (5), streams(s) (Is 33:21)
                 5158 see Brook
                 180 (3)
                 650 + stream ((Job 6:15, Ps 126:4)
                 3105 (Jer 17:8) 'yuwbal' a stream
Flood (s)  :3999
                 5104 see River
                 5158 see Brook
                 7858 (3)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

All that is related to TREES

Tree(s): 6086/97 `ets', `etsah' (fem) ``a tree (from its firmness) hence wood / sticks.
A/T/A: carpenter, gallows, helve, + pine, plank, staff, stick(s) (14), stock, timber (23), wood
               815 (1 Sam 22:6, 31:13 I/L = the tamarisk) `eschel` ``a tamarisk tree; by ext a 'grove' (Gen 21:33 I/L = 'tamerisk tree') of any kind.
tamarisk tree

               363 (6) 'iylan' -- Chald.
               352 (Is 61:3, Ezek 31:14) 'ayil' masc. of 424 + oak (Is 1:29) [psg mentioned are the only ones translated as "TREES" or OAKS in KJV; refers to a 'mighty tree -- usually a 'terebinth]; I/L translates Is psg as oak(s); Ezek psg (2nd 'tree' in vs) as 'to them'
Timber: 636 'a'(3)  Chald. -- corresponds to 6086 + Wood (Dan 5:4,23)

Grove(s): 842 (39) 'asherah' 'asheyrah' also astarte a Phoenician goddess or an image of the same.
Oak(s):     424 (11) 'elah' fem. of 352;  A/T/A elm (Hos 4:13), teil tree (Is 6:13)
                  427 (Jos 24:26) 'allah'
                  437 (8)'allown' from 436 'elown -- transl as 'Plain' (8):
definition of all 3: a strong or great tree .
Oak tree

Forest, Wood and Orchard

Bridgewater Forest
Forest(s): 3293/5 'ya`ar /ya`rah' :To thicken with verdure; a copse of bushes. I.E. forest, honey in the comb as hived in the trees -- + wood, honeycomb (I Sam 14:27 with 1706 'debash, Ca 5:1)
2793 (2 Chr 27:4) see Wood
6508 ( see Orchard)
Galatin National Forest

Orchard (s): 6508 'pardec': a park (Ca 4:13 , Eccl 2:5) -- +Forests (Neh 2:8)
Wood(s): 3293 (16) see Forest
                 3264 ( Ezek 34:25) 'ya'owr': a forest
                 2793 (4) 'choresh' : A forest as furnishing the material for fabric -- + forest, shroud (Ezek31:3), bough (Is 17:9)

Friday, February 11, 2011

Birds of a Feather spread your Wings and Fly: an OT word study of our Feathered Friends

Bird(s', 's): 6833 (31) tsippowr or tsippor: Alittle bird as hopping - Fowl(s) (6)  +Chald 6853 tsephar Da 4:12, 14, 21   &  33 ); Sparrow (Ps 84:3 + 102:7
                   5775 (09) owph Fowl(s) (59) + Chald  5776), flying, that flieth
                   5861 (03) Fowl(s) (4)
                   1167,3671 (Pr 1:17) ba'al kanaph i.e "master extremity "Alternative translation: Master   of wing"
                   6853 (Da 4:33)
                  {Fowl 1257 - I Kngs 4:23}
                   Ca 2:12 (blank)
Feather(ed,s): 5133 (4)
                       3671 kanaph (2)
                       84 (2)
                       Da 4:33 (blank)
Wing(ed,s): 3671 "kanaph"
                   83 & 84 (2 each)
                   6731 (Jer 48:1)
                   1611 "gaph" (Dan 7:4 & 6 = 3)
Flieth, Flew,Fly(ing): 5774(5)
                                   6213 "da'ah" to dart i.e. to fly rapidly
                                   3671 (Ps 148:10)