Sunday, January 15, 2012

Points to Consider

(Related article “Romanism vs Scripture” specifically point 7)
A.      Rev 20:11-15 (esp. Vs. 12) The ‘Book of Life’ is opened = Last Call.
B.      To be saved is easier than to be lost. John 3:16, Acts8:36-39
C.      Heb 6:4-6 describes what is considered the unpardonable sin – only if you have been enlightened and if you have turned your back on it. This has happened to very few in this age.
D.      Since Adam and Eve partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, Humanity has been in a constant state of violence, corruption, arrogance etc. Realise as well the plight and suffering of innocent children. Observe the state of humanity vis-a-vis its relationship to God since Adam and Eve.
E.       Rm 8:7-8 The fleshly mind is hostile to God and will not submit to His Law.
F.       Jer. 17:9, I Cor. 2:14. The heart and nature of man is deceitful and the ways of God are as folly to him.
G.     Lk. 23:34 “Father forgive them for they know not what they do”
H.      Rv. 12:9 Satan has deceived the whole world. See previous posting “Atonement”:
I.        Gen 6:18 only Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives (8 in all) entered into the ark
Gen 19:30 only Lot and his 2 daughters were saved from Sodom and Gomorrah
Acts 1:15 only 120 assisted at the first Pentecost after Christ had been crucified
J.        Is 30:19-22, 65:17-25, 66:22-24, Mic. 4:1-4 Implies that there will still be mortal humans in the ‘New Heavens and the New Earth’ and that they will require divine teaching, guidance, correction and protection.
K.      Mt 5:13-16, 24:21-22 Why ‘preserve’ if you ‘intend’ to destroy.
L.       “It shall be more tolerable for ...” from the Greek ‘anektoteros’ – more endurable  Mt 10:15, 11:22, 24, Mk 6:11, Lu 10:12, 14
M.    Order of resurrection (Greek = ‘anastasis’ a standing up again namely after being dead)
I Cor 15:21-26, Rv 20:1-6, 11-15 Christ --- First Fruits (those who belong to Christ) --- The rest of the dead --- The condemned who will subsequently be thrown into the Lake of Fire, suffer the 2nd death and (Mal 4:1-3) be ashes under the soles of our feet.
N.     It is not prophesied that humanity will accept Jesus Christ at his 2nd coming (see Zech 14, Rv 19, 6:15-17, II Tim 3:1-9, Mt 24:24 etc.
O.     Compare these with II Pt 3:9, Is 11, 26:16-27, Zech 8:20-23, Mic 4:1-5, I Tim 2:1-6, 4:10 (Interlinear reads as “Preserver of all Men”

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Is it a Whale or a Fish?

Whale('s, s)
 8577 Gen 1:21, Job 7:12'tanniyn' or 'tanniym' ATA: dragon (21), Sea-monster (Lam 4:3), serpents (Ex 7:12); 8565 Ezek 32:2 'tan' ATA: dragon (Mal 1:3); gr 2785 Mt 12:40. 'ketos' a huge fish (as in gaping for prey)
Fish('s, es)
1709 /10 'dag' 'da'g' 'dagah' prolific, timid and squirming tail; 5315 (Is 19:10 'nephesh' a breathing creature; gr 2485 (2) 'ichthudion' a petty fish Mt 15:34 with 'little' & Mrk 8:7 with 'small; 2486 (19) 'ichthus' a fish; gr 3795 (5) 'opsarion' a relish to other food specifically salted and dried fish as a condiment.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Called Chosen and Elect of God

Called      :  2822 'kletos' invited
Elect('s)   :  1588
Election   :  1589
Chose(n)  :  1586 'eklegomi' to select
                    1588 'ekectos' select and by implication 'favourite'
                    1589 'ekloge' (divine) selection
Firstfruit(s): 536 'aparche' A beginning of sacrifice - Implies that others will follow
The elect are also called 'bride and wife' of Christ (implies children); 'Kings and Priests' Rv 5:6, 20:7 -What does a King / Priest do and with whom?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Fool(ish) Wallows in his Folly

Quote from James Oppenheim
Fool('s,s):               5528(29,30,31) 'cakal, cekel, cikluth, sikluth' to be silly, silliness. collectively dolts. Also translated as sottish (Jer 4:22)
                             5034(6) see Vile
Foolish(ly, ness):    5034(6,9) see Vile
                             2973 + (dote Jer 50:36) "ya'al" to be foolish in a wicked way.
Folly:                    5039 see Vile
                             5528(29, 30, 31) see Fool
Vile (Villany):        5034 (6,9) (6vs) 'nabel, nebel, nebalah' to fall away, fail, faint; (fig.) to be foolish, stupid, impious or morally wicked; to despise, disgrace. Also translated as disgrace, dishonor, lightly esteem, fade, come to nought, wither        
Wallow(ed):           6428 ( 3) + (Mic 1:10) as 'roll' "Palash" to roll in dust.                          

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Romanism VS Scripture

 Romanism (R) /Babylonian Concepts   
PtVSScripture (S) 
1R Venerates Sunday Worship
SHonours the Sabbath (Ex 20:8 - 11)
2RVenerates traditional holidays. 
(Christmas, New Years, Good Friday, Easter etc)
This promotes the Great Deception: Rv 12:9
SHonours God's Holy Days (Lv 23, Num 28, 29, Neh 8
see PS 81:3 -5 -- note that this is addressed
to Joseph not Judah (Gen 48)
3RVenerates Solar based Gregorian Calendar -- Jan to Dec ; dead of Winter
SVenerates Lunar based Hebrew calendar 
Spring to Spring (Ex 12:1-2, Ps 104:19 
Moon appointed for seasons
4RSuperficial understanding of scripture; pick and choose what suits you;
For comfort (II Tim 3:5  
``Form of piety / godliness but denying the power thereof``)
SDeep understanding; all scripture is to be applied 
II Tim 3:15 - 16; Also our sacrifice "must be perfect
(Deut 17:1)
5RHeaven: Reward of the "saved" immediately after death
SThe "saved" await the ressurrection (Job 14:14-15,
Jn 5:28 - 29, Rv 20:5 -6); 
Earth is promised
Ps 37:9 - 11, Mt 5:3 - 12
See article: ``Where Will The Righteous Be?``
6RBaptism by sprinkling and is generally done during infancy
SBy Immersion and you must repent first  
Acts 2:3, Rm 6:1-4
7RMust be saved in this age 
But what about those who have died tragically?
Floods (Noah`s for ex), isolation, children, handicapped etc
not having known Jesus Christ.
SMany will come to Christ after his return (Rv 20:11-15, Is 6, Mt 10:15 etc 
Judgement = Decision (Heb 9:27)
(see article "Points to Consider)
8RThose who are 'condemned' suffer for eternity in an 'ever-burning Hell'
SIn general hell (sheol in Heb & hades in Gr) means grave. 
Those who choose to remain sinful will die the 2nd death 
and be as ashes under the feet of the righteous
Ezek 18:4, Rv 20:15, Mal 4:1)
9RVeneration of objects (crosses etc), people (Virgin Mary, saints etc)
and places (shrines, churches etc)
Also known as Icons
SGod is to be worshipped in sprit and in truth (Jn 4:24)
10RFormal worship and buildings (mass, liturgy, ceremony etc)
{superficial social clubs}
S(see prev point)
Many examples in the Gospels and the Book of Acts
of informal worship, often interacting 1 on 1 
Philip and the Eunuch - Acts 8)
{focus is on building relationships}
11RHuman interession required: confession baptism.
Priest has the authority to forgive in place of Christ.
SJesus Christ is our one and only intercessor (I Jn 2:1) ; only he can forgive
(Mrk 2:7-10) yet he does use human instruments.
12RSelf-denial of God-given pleasures
(celebacy, monasteries, lent, vows of poverty etc)
i.e. Complete denial on one extreme to a Hedonistic approach on the other
(everything according to one`s desire
with no regard to the effect on youself or others.)
SSee Col 2:20 - 23, I Cor 8:8-9, 9:27, 10:23-24, Rm 14:5, 19-23, Eph 2:29
Lead a balanced temperate life and be responsible that 
nothing you say or do offends another
13RPrayers to and asking for intercession from others instead of Jesus Christ
(Virgin Mary, Saints) see pt # 11
SThese are dead and are awaiting the ressurrection (Rv 20:5-6, 11, Mt 5:28-29)
see pt # 5
14RAttributes of ``Jesus Christ`` are identical to those of Mithra
the Persian sun god.
A Roman cult of which the Emperor Constantine was a follower.
SWe need to worship the real Jesus as we find in scripture in both the old
and new testaments (see Mt 24:23-26) 
15RSalvation is earned by works
SSalvation is a gift of God (Rm 6:23)
16RThe Church is involved with the politics of this world.
"Civic  Duty" to vote. Lobbying (Moral Majority).
Many "laws of the land" based on the religion of the people.
SRv 18:4, Heb 11:13-14, 10:34.
We are ambassadors (II Cor 5:20, I Kng 18:21, 19:18)
No involment with this word's affairs.
Cannot have both.
I Jn 2:15-17 "Love not this world"