The promise of Heaven as a reward for the righteous is
nowhere to be found in scripture even when the ‘World Tomorrow’ (New Heavens
and New Earth) is mentioned and is often plural. Most of the Psalms, Isaiah and
Ezekiel references are to Earth, Zion or Jerusalem. The Hebrew word for Heaven
is ‘shamiym’ or ‘shameh’ or ‘shamiyn’ (strong’s concordance # 8064 and 8065)
means lofty and refers to the atmosphere, the cosmos and beyond. It is also
translated as ‘air’. In Greek it is ‘ouranos’ which implies the concept of
elevation through happiness, power eternity, specifically the Gospel; also
translated as ‘air’ or ‘sky.’
Gen 1:26-31 God’s original intent for man was the earth not
Ps 37 (spec. Verses 3,
9, 11, 22, 29, 39), Mt 5:5, Rm 4:13 – Those who are meek and those who wait
upon the Lord shall inherit the Earth.
Rv. 5:10, 20:4 As Kings and Priests the righteous shall rule
a thousand years over the earth.
Is 42:4 Justice and law will be established.
Dan 2:34-35, 44-45 A kingdom requires a ruler, land and
Zech. 14 The feet of Jesus Christ will stand upon the Mount
of Olives. Those who are left will go up from year to year to keep the Feast of
Tabernacles (vs. 16-19 and also Rv 19). Rv 14:1-5 John saw the “Lamb standing
on Mt Zion with the firstfruits purchased from the earth.”
Mic. 4, Joel 2:32, Is
2:1-4 The ‘Mountain of the Lord’ will be established in Zion.
Jer. 3:14-18 God will bring Israel and Judah to Zion /
Jerusalem and it shall be called “The Throne of the Lord.”
Prov 2:21-22, Jer 32:37-44, Zeph 2:9 “I will bring ‘my
people’ back to their land.
Zech. 8 Description of day to day life in Jerusalem.
Is 65:17-25 The generations will be ongoing in the ‘New
Heavens and New Earth.’
Deut. 28, Lv. 26 Blessings / Curses
Promises (covenant) made:
To Abraham Gen 17:1-8
To Isaac
Gen 26:1-5To Jacob (Israel) Gen 28:1-4
To David II Sam 7:13-16
To Mary Lk 1:32-35
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob dwelt in the land of promise (Heb
Ezek 36 Israel gathered from among the nations and brought
back into their own land; filled with the Holy Spirit.
Amos 9:13-15 The desolated cities will be rebuilt. The land
will be fertile and never again will the Israelites be forced to leave the land
that God has given them.
Ps 97, 98 God reigns and judges over the Earth and its
inhabitants in righteousness and equity.
Is 61 lists the responsibilities of the firstfruits.
Hab 2:14 The Earth will be filled with the knowledge (Yada)
of the Lord (see also Is 11:9 dea or de’ah from yada).
Is 11: The 2nd Exodus and the World Tomorrow; Is
35: The healing of humanity and the Earth.
Obad 17 – 21 Mount Zion shall be delivered
Mal 4:1-3 The wicked shall be as ashes under the soles of
the feet of the saints.
New Heavens and New Earth: Is 65:17 – 66:24; II Pt 3:13
New Jerusalem: Rv 3:12, 21:2
Ps 132:11 The Lord has chosen Zion as his dwelling place and
David’s sons will sit on their father’s throne forevermore.
Job 19:25-27 The Redeemer will stand upon the Earth in the
latter days. Though the body will be destroyed, my flesh shall see God.
Jesus is returning with his reward and to re-establish his
Kingdom. Jn 14:1-3, Mt 16:27-28, Rv 22:7,12, Dan 2:35, 7:14,26,27 – *
Lk19:11-27 Rewarding of the cities – *Acts 1:9-11 Christ is
returning in like manner as He ascended into Heaven (no mention of a 3rd
phase) – *.
I Kngs 8:27 The Heavens and Heaven of Heavens cannot contain
[*notice: there is
no mention of returning to where He had received the Kingdom].
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